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NSAIDs Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Attack in New Study

We've alerted you to this in previous issues, but in light of new research it should be said again...

Think twice before you reach for that over-the-counter pain pill.

In a study presented at the Annual Congress of the European League Against Rheumatism, researchers found that those taking ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) had an increased risk of heart attack.

NSAIDs are typically used to relieve pain and to reduce signs of inflammation, such as fever, swelling and redness. They are also prescribed for the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Here is what is particularly troubling about the research. Data from the study point to an immediate mortality risk in patients who suffered a heart attack -- even after taking NSAIDs for less than one week.

The results from the study also showed that NSAIDs, which include ibuprofen (Advil) and diclofenac (Voltaren) are "equally hazardous" in terms of heart attack risk as the drug Vioxx. You may recall that Vioxx was pulled from the market because of safety concerns over heart attack and stroke risks.(1) People suffering from arthritis often take NSAIDs for relief from pain, without realizing these drugs can actually kill you. Alternatively, some doctors say that aspirin is a safer choice because it tends to have fewer side effects. That being said, aspirin can cause stomach bleeding.

As a matter of precaution, neither aspirin nor other NSAIDs should be taken in high doses on a daily basis for pain relief.

NSAIDs Are Not Good Medicine

Until now, while the side effect dangers of NSAIDs have been clearly documented, little has been known about treatment duration and the associated cardiovascular risks.

Dr Carl Orr, Department of Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland commented about the data saying, "These data demonstrate an immediate increase in the risk of death and MI (myocardial infarction), challenging the safety of even short term use. The introduction of physician guidelines to assist safe prescribing of this class of drug is vital, and the only way to keep patient safety at the forefront of disease management."(2)

In other words, doctors need to have guidelines in place to insure they don't place your health or life at risk if they prescribe NSAID-type drugs.

This study found that for every 1,000 individuals with a moderate risk of heart disease who were prescribed to a one year, high-dose treatment of diclofenac or ibuprofen, about three would experience an avoidable heart attack of which one would be fatal.

What's more, all NSAIDs were found to 1) double the risk of heart failure and 2) increase the risk of serious upper gastrointestinal complications such as bleeding ulcers by 2-4 times.(3)

Dr. Chauncy Crandall, who heads up the cardiac transplant program at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, says that "people with arthritis and other chronic pain conditions should use non-drug methods for relief whenever possible, taking drugs only when absolutely necessary." (ibid, 1)

That's where Isoprex comes in. Isoprex helps relieve joint pain without any side effects. It is an all natural supplement that contains powerful ingredients scientifically proven to help relieve joint pain... without any side effects.

The ingredients in Isoprex have all been shown to be safe – and many of them work as well or better than dangerous over-the-counter and prescription pain pills. Keep a bottle in your medicine cabinet at all times.

References (1) (2) (3)

Are You At Risk for Shingles?

If you had chickenpox as a child or a young teen, you may think you're done with it. But without realizing it, you could be at risk for getting the disease known as "shingles".

In simple terms, the virus that caused your chickenpox can remain dormant in your nervous system. When your immune system is healthy and strong, it usually keeps the virus at bay. Aging and stress factors, however, can weaken your immune defenses and reactivate the virus, resulting in shingles.

Unfortunately, many people are either completely unaware of the disease, know very little about it and/or aren't aware of the risk factors.

A recent national survey by the American Pain Foundation found that over half of the respondents were not sure of the risk factors for shingles. Many of the respondents did not know about the relationship between chickenpox and shingles either.

While anyone who has had chickenpox can potentially develop shingles, 50% of the cases are among people over the age of 60. Stephen Tyring M.D., professor of medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, noted that the risk of shingles increases with age.

"With each decade, a person's immunity weakens, so that by 60 years of age, the likelihood of shingles significantly increases," says Tyring. "In fact, one out of two people who live to the age of 85 will have had shingles." (1)

In addition, if you have a family history of shingles, you may be more susceptible to developing the disease. In a report published in the journal Archives of Dermatology, Tyring and his research team identified family history as one reason why some people might be more susceptible to shingles. (2)

According to Tyring, "Your risk is double that of someone who has had no relatives with the virus. The estimate, however, is most valid for first degree relatives such as a mother, father or sibling."

How to Minimize Shingles Pain

The onset of shingles isn't always noticeable. You may experience a tingling sensation, itchiness or varying degrees of burning and pain. During the initial days of symptoms, blisters will burst and a rash will form, usually on one side of the body or face. The rash will typically heal in two to four weeks. In some cases, there might be longer-term nerve pain which can persist for months or even years after the initial rash has healed. The older you get, the more at risk you are for long-term nerve pain, which can be quite severe.

Although there is no known cure for shingles, there are ways you can relieve the symptoms.

For the rash, keep your skin as dry and clean as possible, which helps reduce the risk of bacterial infection. You may want to wear loose-fitting clothes to minimize any rubbing against the skin from clothes that are too tight.

To help boost your immunity to the virus that causes shingles, consider taking up Tai Chi, which is a traditional Chinese form of exercise. A study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that Tai Chi may help older adults avoid getting shingles.(3)

Depending on the severity of the pain, an all-natural solution like Isoprex may provide relief. Isoprex not only helps relieve pain, it works safely and gently to stop dangerous inflammation in its tracks as well... without the side-effects or worries of over-the-counter and prescription pain medications.


Are You At Risk of Getting Migraines?

If you've ever had a migraine headache, then you know how debilitating they can be. Migraine sufferers typically experience a diminished quality of life along with impaired physical, social and occupational functioning. The pain can be severe.

The statistics may startle you. Migraine afflicts an estimated 10% of the world's population. In the United States, The Institute of Medicine recently reported that nearly 40 million Americans suffer from migraines. (1)

At a recent meeting of the American Pain Society (APS), David Dodick, M.D. and professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, noted that migraines have a genetic and biological basis.

"Today we know that migraine is a largely inherited disorder characterized by physiological changes in the brain, and, if attacks occur with high frequency, structural alterations in the brain," Dodick said. (1)

So... are you at risk for getting migraine headaches? It may not be a twist of fate if you are experiencing them right now. There could be something else going on that is a contributing factor.

Some of the triggers can be managed, such as stress, lifestyle choices including smoking and drinking, and high blood pressure. But equally important are the factors you have no control over that can predispose you to the condition.

Having one of more of the predetermined risk factors for migraine headaches doesn't mean you will inevitably develop migraines. However, being aware of the risks will help you arm yourself with the knowledge that you need to prevent and treat migraines should they occur.

Migraine Risk Factors You Need to Know:

The risk factors you have little control over include the following:

Family history — If your parents had migraines, your risk may be increased by up to 75%. If possible, it can be helpful to talk to them about their experience, so you can set into place a plan for prevention. Your family history of migraines will also make the diagnostic process simpler.

Gender — If you are female, you are at greater risk to develop migraines. During childhood, boys and girls have the same chance of developing migraine headaches. However, once hormones take center stage, the risks to a female jump significantly. In fact, adult women are three times more likely than men to get migraines. (2)

Hormonal changes — If you are a woman who gets migraines, hormones may be the culprit. During the menstrual cycle each month, hormone fluctuations can cause migraines. Any stress that causes hormones to spike can cause a migraine to occur if a person is susceptible.

Ethnicity — North American Caucasians appear to have a higher risk of developing migraines than either African Americans or Asian Americans. Migraines are less common in Europe or South America and much less common in Africa or Asia. Studies haven't connected this with any conditions in the environment, food supply, or medical knowledge, only genetics.(3)

If you have one or more of these risk factors, talk to your doctor about possible preventative measures. Discuss all your options to keep migraines from becoming a part of your life. In fact, according to Dr. Dodick, "Some studies have shown that migraine attacks can be cut in half or more with preventive treatments."

In addition, keep a bottle of Isoprex on hand. Isoprex is an all natural pain relief formula that can help minimize headache pains... without the side effects or dangers of NSAIDs.


New Hope for Osteoarthritis Sufferers

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a painful and debilitating joint disease that affects 27 million Americans.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in two Americans will get some form of OA in their lifetime. In addition, it's estimated that 1 out of every 2 will get symptomatic knee OA in their lifetime as well.(1)

What's more, it's estimated that your risk of getting knee OA increases to 57% if you have had a past knee injury. In addition, your risk goes up to 66% if you suffer from obesity.

Medically speaking, OA is a joint disease that mostly affects the cartilage, which is the soft tissue that surrounds the bones in your joints. When you have OA, the cartilage breaks down and wears away, allowing the bones to rub directly against each other.

It's this rubbing that causes you pain and causes the joint to swell, resulting in a loss of motion and mobility. Bone spurs may grow on the edges of the bones, and bits of bone or cartilage can break off and float around inside the joint space. As you might imagine, this can be quite painful.

The CDC goes on to report that many people fail to be proactive because they believe arthritis is something that happens as you age... and that you have to learn to live with the aches and pains.(2)

The good news is that unless you have a family history of arthritis, such as one or both of your parents having OA, you don't have to needlessly suffer. And perhaps most importantly, you can take steps to prevent OA from developing in the first place.

Could a Cure For Osteoarthritis Be On the Way?

A new study, reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggests that researchers may be closing in on a way to eliminate the pain associated with OA.

The study was conducted at Rush University Medical Center in collaboration with researchers at Northwestern University, both in Illinois. What makes this particular study so important is that researchers focused on the "pain pathway" rather than the "cartilage breakdown pathway". Using a surgical mouse model, the medical researchers were able to track the development of both pain behaviors and the molecular events taking place in the nerves. Then, they correlated the data over an extended period of time.

In the assessment of the data, they looked at changes in the nerve ganglia that carry pain signals to the brain. They were able to identify the mechanism that is central to the development of OA pain.

To confirm their findings, the researchers blocked the mechanism in the mice at nine weeks after surgery. They found that this reversed the decrease in the movement-provoked pain behavior observed in the mice that didn't have the mechanism blocked.(3)

The belief is that the research could have major implications for future treatment of OA, especially for those in whom the condition has become extremely debilitating. However, it's too early to tell if this research will lead to a permanent cure to OA.

With that said, and depending on the severity of your pain, an all-natural solution like Isoprex can provide immediate joint pain relief. It works safely and gently to stop dangerous pain-causing inflammation in its tracks... without any side-effects.

References (1)

(2) ibid.


Finding Relief from TMJ Pain

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), TMJ disorders are the second most common pain-causing musculoskeletal conditions after chronic low back pain.(1)

Temporomandibular joint disorders, commonly known as TMJ disorders or just TMJ, refer to a number of health conditions that involve the joints around your jaw and the related areas around the joint.

These include the joint cartilage, muscles of the jaw, face and neck, nearby ligaments and nerves, along with your teeth. You can feel these joints move when you place your fingers in front of your ears while you open and close your mouth.

TMJ disorders affect millions of Americans, with estimates that as many as 1/3 of all adults report having one or more of the symptoms.(2)

While the cause of TMJ is not entirely clear, injury to the jaw or temoromandibular joint as well as trauma to the muscles of the head or neck can trigger TMJ. TMJ can also arise from grinding or clenching of the teeth, which puts pressure on the jaw joints.

Poor posture can contribute to TMJ symptoms as well. For example, if you work at a computer, or if you're on the telephone a lot, holding your head forward or in an awkward angle strains the muscles of the face and neck. Other causative factors may include stress or anxiety, poor diet, and lack of sleep.

For example, if you suffer from chronic stress, your facial and jaw muscles can tighten up. When this happens, you may start grinding your teeth, which then affects the jaw joints. Sometimes TMJ can result if you habitually chew gum or bite your nails.

How to Recognize TMJ Symptoms and Manage the Pain

The severe pain and discomfort associated with TMJ can be temporary, or it can last for many years. For many people, the symptoms don't last long and may go away little or no treatment. Some of the common symptoms of TMJ disorders include:

• Pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joint area, neck and shoulders
• Pain or tenderness around the ear when you chew or open your mouth wide
• Clicking or popping sounds when opening or closing the mouth
• Difficulty chewing or a sudden uncomfortable bite
• Swelling on one or both sides of your face

Toothaches, headaches, neck aches, dizziness, earaches, hearing problems, upper shoulder pain, and ringing in the ears (tinnitis) may also be symptomatic of TMJ.(3)

To minimize TMJ pain, rest your jaw and make a conscious effort to not open your mouth too wide when yawning or laughing. Avoid any harmful chewing or nail-biting habits you may have. Eating soft foods like yogurt, soup, mashed or pureed vegetables and fruit can also provide some relief.

Sleeping with or wearing a mouth or bite guard can prevent you from grinding your teeth at night and reduce pain. Stress management techniques like yoga, deep breathing and meditation can also help, as can getting massage for the neck, shoulders, face and head.

Lastly, for pain relief, choose Isoprex. Isoprex helps relieve joint pain without any side effects. It is an all natural supplement that contains powerful ingredients scientifically proven to help relieve neck aches and sore muscles.

The ingredients in Isoprex have all been shown to be safe – and many of them work as well or better than dangerous over-the-counter and prescription pain pills. Keep a bottle in your medicine cabinet at all times.




Deal of the Day -- Isoprex: A pain-halting formula that works naturally

14 Foods That Fight Inflammation

Inflammation is an integral part of the immune response and without it, it’s nearly impossible for the body to heal properly. However, when it’s out of control, such as in the case of those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, it can do significant damage to the human body. It’s also thought to play a significant role in afflictions such as obesity, cancer and heart disease.

Foods with excessive amounts of saturated fats and sugar can cause the immune system to be over active and lead many to feelings of fatigue, joint pain and blood vessel damage. Other foods may reduce inflammation and should be added to your daily meal plan.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel contain high levels of omeg-3 fatty acids and have been show to lessen the levels of inflammation. To gain the necessary benefits, you need to consume fish at least three times a week, and it should be baked, broiled or boiled. Individuals who consumed this necessary nutrient found their risk of heart disease to be reduced by as much as 20 percent.

Not everyone is a fan of fish and fish oil supplements can lessen the levels of inflammation. However, too much of a good thing can instigate inflammation, so you want to limit your consumption to the daily recommendations for your height and weight.

Consumption of Whole Grains

Whole grains have a greater amount of fiber than refined items such as white rice, bread and pasta and can help with inflammation. A main contributor of inflammation in the blood stream is C-reactive proteins.

Unfortunately, not all products labeled “whole grains” are healthy, and you have to do diligence when shopping. Choose foods that read whole grain as the primary ingredient and no sugars.

Eat Your Leafy Greens

Today’s research has shown that vitamin E can play an important role in guarding the body from pro-inflammatory properties known as cytokines. Cruciferous vegetables and dark leafy greens have been proven to retain higher levels of vitamins and minerals than their lighter counterparts. Veggies such as kale, broccoli, collard greens and spinach are full of iron, calcium and disease fighting properties.

Antioxidant Packed Nuts

Nuts are another inflammation-fighting food that is rich in calcium, vitamin E and fiber. Almonds and walnuts have a high level of omega-3 fatty acids and are chalk full of antioxidants to aid your body in keeping illnesses and diseases at bay. Whole-grains, nuts, fish and leafy green vegetables all play an important role in the Mediterranean diet. Folks following the diet have seen a reduction in inflammation in as short a span as six weeks.


Soy is beneficial to the human body, especially in adult women. Many studies have indicated that the estrogen compounds found in many of the soy products contribute to lowering inflammation and CRP. It has also been proven to lessen the negative effects of the heart and bone health when tested on mice.

However, overly processed soy products should be avoided, as they don’t have similar benefits, especially when loaded with preservatives. Tofu, soy milk and edamame are healthier options and should be consumed regularly.

Low-fat Dairy Products

Products high in calcium can be trigger foods for inflammatory diseases because some individuals have a sensitivity and intolerance to casein. However, for those who are able to tolerate low-fat calcium products, skim milk, cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt can be beneficial and lessen inflammation and irritability in the stomach.

Bell Peppers

The more color that is added to your diet, the better it is for you. Colorful choices can include peppers, tomatoes, leafy green vegetables and orange squash. In addition to their high levels of vitamins and antioxidants, they also produce lower levels of starch. Bell peppers can be found in an assortment of colors. Chili and cayenne peppers are a hotter variety and can aid as a property found in topical creams to lessen pain and inflammation.

However, physician’s advise that some peppers can irritate individuals who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, so you need to listen to your body and find items that work well for you.


Tomatoes are another inflammatory fighting food because they contain lycopene. This has been proven to help individuals fight inflammation in problematic areas of the body such as the lungs. Cooked tomatoes are better than raw because they contain higher levels of lycopene. Tomato sauce, diced tomatoes and tomato juice are all beneficial and have important healing properties.


Nothing is more brilliant in color than the beet, and its fine color showcases the levels of antioxidant properties. In addition to protecting an individual from heart disease and cancer, it has also been shown to reduce inflammation.

Ginger and Turmeric

Common spices found in Asian and Indian fare have been proven to have anti-inflammatory benefits to an individual. Turmeric regulates the immune system and can aid in the body’s process of reducing inflammation. Its spice relative ginger has also numerous benefits and in addition to reducing inflammation, it can relieve symptoms of indigestion and stomach upset issues.

Garlic and Onions

Aromatic vegetables such as garlic and onions can make a pasta sauce divine. It’s also known for boosting an individual’s immune system. Research has shown that garlic has similar benefits to medical products such as ibuprofen and can shut down the roads that lead to inflammation. Onions have similar anti-inflammatory properties and important compounds.

Olive Oil

Plant based fats such as olive oil is an integral part of a healthy diet, and it’s good for reducing inflammation. The Mediterranean diet has a host of benefits that are mainly due to the use of olive oil. The primary compound found in olive oil has been found to have similar effects of painkillers when consumed.


Fruits are low in fat and calories. Because they are high in antioxidants, they can aid in fighting inflammation. The properties that give them their deep color can help individuals with arthritis, intestinal inflammation and cancer.

Tart Cherries

One of the best foods for reducing inflammation is tart cherries and research has shown this magnificent fruit can aid it by as much as 50 percent. It’s also been shown to help athletes up their performance levels and recover properly afterward.

A recommended serving is approximately 1 ½ cups of the actual fruit or drinking one cup of the tart cherry juice each day to enjoy significant benefits. Unfortunately sweet cherries were not proven to be the same, so you need to make sure that you’re consuming the tart variety to gain the most benefits.

6 Types of Food to Ease Your Pain Naturally

People suffering from chronic pain have options besides rummaging around in the medicine cabinet or visiting a doctor to try to figure out which painkiller works best for them. Certain foods have the ability to diminish pain over time. Foods containing antioxidants can help reduce the damage the body goes through when food and oxygen react and create free radicals as byproducts. Some foods have the ability to reduce the inflammation causing the body’s pain response. Still other foods strengthen the immune system, which helps to prevent and reduce illness as well as to limit inflammation.

Beth Reardon, the director of nutrition at Duke Integrative Medicine, claims that dietary changes are much healthier in the long term than the extended use of painkillers. “We get in the habit of taking Advil or Aleve to treat pain symptoms, without getting at the underlying cause of pain. Over time these medications, because of their side effects, can do more harm than good,” she explained. "Changing your diet...protects your cells from damage and reduces the number of inflammatory compounds the body produces."

Anti-inflammatory foods have also been linked to weight loss, which makes the pain reduction even more effective. A recent study published in the journal Cancer Research found that losing 5% of body weight eases joint strain and reduces inflammation.

Choosing more foods from the categories below can make a real difference in a person’s pain level.

Fish and plant protein

Protein from fish and plant sources provide far more omega-3 fatty acids than typical protein sources like beef and chicken. Fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and herrings are a good source of the long chain omega-3s which have been linked to reductions in both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Protein-rich plants provide a good supply of essential short chain omega-3s. Vegetable sources of protein can include legumes, such as beans and lentils; seeds and nuts; and ancient grains like spelt and quinoa.

Salmon is by far the most omega-3 laden of fish, but fresh salmon can be pricy. Canned salmon, however, is less expensive and may even be healthier, since it uses wild-caught salmon instead of farm-raised salmon which may be contaminated with toxins.

Herbs and spices

Certain spices, including garlic, turmeric, dried tart cherry, cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, and curry, act to prevent inflammation by decreasing the body’s production of COX inhibitors and prostaglandins, a similar mechanism to the painkiller Celebrex.

Reardon particularly recommends turmeric as a pain-killing spice. Its anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to decrease rheumatoid arthritis pain.

Healthy fats

Certain oils, like olive, coconut, and grape seed, contain a high number of omega-3s, as do flaxseeds and nut butters, particularly almond butter and cashew butter. Most Americans have an unhealthy ratio of omega-3s to the unhealthy omega-6s found in processed foods and red meats. By replacing unhealthy fats with these healthy ones, the ratio can be reversed, which will help the body better regulate the hormones which produce and reduce inflammation.

Coconut oil has the added advantage of being a good food for the cells of the stomach lining, which aids in efficient digestion and keeps the immune system running well.

Fruits and Vegetables

A diet consisting primarily of unprocessed, plant-based foods creates antioxidant protection for your cell membranes and DNA. Processed, high-sugar foods are already well-known for increasing blood glucose and eventually leading to type 2 diabetes, but the extra insulin the body creates to try to deal with the extra glucose can also cause inflammation.

When looking for fruits and vegetables, it’s important to select a wide variety; good health requires a number of different nutrients from different sources to work in harmony. A good rule of thumb is to select food of different colors: green spinach, yellow squash, purple eggplant, red grapes, and so on. As a general rule, plants with more intense color have a higher number of antioxidants, but even naturally pale foods like cauliflower will provide many benefits.

Kale is one of the most beneficial vegetables around. This dark leafy green is full of fiber, nutrients, and beneficial flavonoids. It’s also easy to prepare; it can be chopped fine and included in soups or sauces, used raw in salads and pasta, or baked into crispy kale chips.


Probiotics are beneficial to the bacteria which live in the digestive system and help break down food. These good bacteria can lose population from stress, pollution, or poor nutrition. Antibiotics prescribed for illness kill the good bacteria right along with the ones causing infection, so additional probiotics can be useful once the infection has cleared. Probiotics can be found in fermented foods such as kimchee and sauerkraut and in yogurts which have live cultures; Lactobacillus acidophilus and L. bifidus should be listed on the label.

Greek yogurt contains all the probiotics of regular yogurt, but it also contains extra vitamin D and nearly twice as much protein as regular yogurt. Greek yogurt can be eaten plain, but it does have a sour taste so some people mix fruit or honey into it.

Plenty of Fluids

Plain water is an absolute necessity to the human body. The body’s organs and blood are comprised of nearly 90% water. The liver and kidneys need water to detoxify the blood of chemicals which shouldn’t be there. Even cellular processes require water. Good hydration is essential to keeping the body’s internal processes running smoothly.

Coffee, black tea, and green tea work against inflammation, and their caffeine content can help ease headache pain. Green tea contains more antioxidants than black tea or coffee. Powdered green tea, a finely ground version of the tea leaves, provides more benefit than regular green tea steeped from a tea bag. The steeped tea contains the tea’s water-soluble antioxidants, but consuming the powder provides the benefit of all antioxidants in the leaf. Green tea powder, or matcha, can be added to soups and baked goods or mixed in to beverages.

The Research Proves the Harmful Effects of NSAIDs on Joints

Here’s what NSAIDs do to your knee and hip joints:

  • NSAIDs destroy cartilage
  • They wreck bone
  • They speed up the time to getting a joint replacement by half
  • They speed up deterioration in knees and hips by 2 – 3 times

And here’s proof…

Research Proof #1 – NSAIDs Wreck Arthritic Hips
One study in 1985 published in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, looked at the use of NSAIDs with people who already had osteoarthritis of the hip. The researchers studied 70 arthritic hips in 64 patients. 37 hips were in really bad shape; 33 hips were in pretty good shape even though there was arthritis. The only significant difference between the people with hips in really bad shape and hips in good shape was the amount of NSAIDs taken. According to the researchers, NSAID use was associated with the progressive formation of multiple bone cysts and bone thinning.

The researchers concluded that these results revealed "…the powerful and potentially harmful effects of these drugs on cartilage and bone."

The NSAIDs used by the arthritis patients in this study were: indomethacin, ibuprofen, naproxen, sulidac, aspirin, prioxicam, flurbiprofen, azapropazone, diclofenac, fenclofenac, ketoprofen.

Newman NM, et al. Acetabular bone destruction related to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The Lancet. 1985; July 6:11-13.

[Read more...]

Studies Show Daily Use of NSAIDs Dangerous Especially for the Elderly

A leading gastroenterologist is alarmed at the discovery that not only do NSAIDs wreck your joints; they may cause serious internal bleeding. Here’s what he says about aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil)…

“…their chronic use, particularly among the elderly and those with arthritis, is linked to serious and potentially fatal GI injury and bleeding.”

President of the American College of Gastroenterology

A study in Spain found that…

90 percent of people who died from ibuprofen or aspirin were over 60.

American Journal of Gastroenterology, August, 2005

Especially alarming is a recent survey of over 800 people by the American Gastroenterological Association discovered that…

… people over the age of 60 were more than twice as likely to be misinformed about the safety of these pills!

[Read more...]

ABC News – Breaking News Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Linked to Hearing Damage!

[Caution]“In the study of 26,000 male health professionals, men who used over-the-counter pain killers twice a week were 16 to 99 percent more likely to report a hearing a loss.

…people under 50 who regularly take acetaminophen (Tylenol) face a nearly 100 percent chance of having hearing damage.”

Other pain pills like aspirin, Advil and Motrin also damage hearing, but Tylenol-type drugs caused the most hearing loss. Hearing specialists say the pain pills chemically damage the hair cells of the inner ear and cause DNA damage over the long term.

The American Journal of Medicine, March 2010.

Breaking News on Dangers of Daily Aspirin!

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force says taking a daily aspirin may be too dangerous for people over 60. Older people have a greater risk of dying or severe side effects from bleeding in the stomach and brain caused by the aspirin than having a heart attack or stroke. Daily aspirin is not recommended for anyone 80 years or older.

Ask your doctor if aspirin is recommended for you under the new guidelines.